man cupping ear to hear better

Celebrate World Hearing Day: Ear and Hearing Care for All! 

March 3rd is World Hearing Day! Launched by the World Health Organization (WHO), this global campaign focuses on raising awareness about hearing loss, one of the most common health issues people navigate today. This year’s theme is Ear and Hearing Care for All which emphasizes the range of hearing healthcare resources and solutions that are available to support your hearing health and wellness.

What are hearing health risks?

There are a number of hearing health related risks and issues you may experience and not even necessarily be aware of. This includes:

  • Hearing Loss: impacting over 48 million people in the United State, hearing loss is the third most common medical condition that people experience today. Nearly 1 in 5 people have some degree of impaired hearing but only a third of people who could benefit from treatment, actually receive it. Hearing loss can be caused by several factors including: one time or consistent exposure to loud noise, existing medical conditions like heart disease and hypertension, aging, and head injuries.

These factors can damage the sensory cells in the inner ear, reducing their capacity to effectively process incoming soundwaves. This results in the brain receiving less auditory information, producing chronic hearing loss.

  • Tinnitus: tinnitus describes hearing a sound in one or both ears that only you can hear. This sound is most often described as a ringing or buzzing like noise that can be intermittent to chronic. It is estimated that 50 million people experience tinnitus and 20 million people live with chronic tinnitus. Tinnitus is a symptom rather than a medical condition itself that can contribute to hearing challenges, take a toll on sleep, prevent concentration etc.
  • Impact Earwax: earwax that accumulates in the ear canal is known as impacted earwax. Though earwax typically makes its way out of the ears naturally, sometimes, it doesn’t and it can build up. Over 35 million people in the U.S. deal with impacted earwax and 12 million people seek medical care for it every year.

These hearing and ear related issues can impact hearing, communication, and increase health risks. This highlights the importance of accessing hearing healthcare.

Accessing Hearing Healthcare Services 

There is a wide range of hearing healthcare services, resources, and solutions that are invested in transforming hearing health. This includes diagnosing and treating ear related conditions as well as preventative care. Key services include:

  • Hearing Evaluations: hearing tests are a diagnostic tool used to identify hearing loss. They involve a painless and noninvasive process that measures hearing capacities in both ears. There are a few types of hearing tests which are used to identify hearing loss and the degree of impairment in each ear. This establishes what your hearing needs are which allows treatment to be tailored to meet those needs.
  • Tinnitus Management: there are effective ways that tinnitus can be managed, alleviating the impact it can have in everyday life. One treatment option is Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) which is a type of sound therapy that involves training the brain to interpret tinnitus differently. Using low-levels of white noise and relaxation exercises while you experience tinnitus can train the brain to understand tinnitus as mundane background noise that is not bothersome.
  • Earwax Removal: hearing healthcare specialists are trained to remove earwax. Using specific tools and strategies, that can carefully and thoroughly remove excess ear wax.
  • Hearing Protection: noise induced hearing loss is completely preventable and wearing hearing protection is a great way to protect your hearing. Custom options provide maximum protection as they are made using molds of your ears which ensures a perfect and comfortable fit.
  • Hearing Aid Repair: hearing aids are essential items that provide ample support for millions of people with hearing loss. They can be impacted by daily wear and tear so hearing aids may need repair work over time which is normal. In-house repairs can be provided, allowing you to get your device fixed conveniently.

These services and resources can improve your hearing health, ear hygiene, and prevent hearing loss.

Prioritize Your Hearing Health this March

World Hearing Day is a great reminder to commit to your hearing health. To get started, contact us to schedule an appointment for a hearing consultation. We look forward to supporting you and prioritize your hearing health and wellness!