Much like any technical device, hearing aids require periodic upkeep to stay at their peak performance. When you initially invest in hearing aids , your care provider will often provide some basic maintenance tools as part of your purchase package. These are crucial to ensure the longevity and optimal functioning of your devices. However, many individuals opt to personalize and further protect their hearing aids with items that might not be included, such as decorative stickers or even jewelry that adds a touch of style and personal flair to the device.
Boost Your Hearing Experience
Those with hearing loss can enhance their auditory experiences using an assistive listening device (ALD). These innovative devices amplify sounds in specific settings, such as when talking on the phone, watching television, or even participating in a busy work meeting. They bridge the gap between the natural environment and the hearing aid’s capabilities, ensuring users don’t miss a beat.
Stay Charged
Many modern hearing aids come with rechargeable capabilities, eliminating the constant need for battery replacements. If your device is rechargeable, it likely came with a charging dock. However, investing in a second, portable charger can be invaluable for individuals who travel frequently or those who enjoy off-grid activities like camping.
Be Prepared with Batteries
For non-rechargeable hearing aids, it’s essential to have a continuous supply of disposable “button” batteries. These are specially designed for hearing devices and come in specific sizes, including 10, 312, 13, and 675. While providers typically provide an initial set of batteries, users will need to restock periodically.
On-the-Go Battery Storage
The minute nature of button batteries can pose a challenge for those always on the move. A battery caddy, which can be attached to a keychain, is a simple yet effective solution for on-the-go battery replacements, ensuring you’re never caught off guard.
Hearing Aid Protection
Hearing aids are an investment, and like all investments, they need protection. Simple daily activities can inadvertently lead to damage. For instance, while the carrying case provided with new hearing aids offers some protection, it might not safeguard against all external threats. Those who enjoy outdoor adventures or water-related activities might find the robust protection of a waterproof, shatterproof carrying case like the AidKeeper invaluable.
Dealing with Moisture
Humidity and moisture can be the nemesis of electronic devices, including hearing aids. Individuals leading active lifestyles, those living in humid regions, or those who perspire more might find a dehumidifier indispensable. These devices extract moisture, ensuring the hearing aids’ longevity and optimal performance.
Safety and Security
One of the most devastating experiences for hearing aid users can be losing their device. This is where hearing aid retention clips attached to cords or tethers come into play. Especially vital for children or those leading active lives, these clips can prevent the expensive and emotionally taxing experience of a lost hearing aid.
Protection and Personalization
Hearing aids, being constantly exposed to external environments, can benefit from covers that shield them from dirt, moisture, and other elements. For those who wear glasses or masks, the constant act of wearing and removing them can sometimes dislodge hearing aids. Innovative solutions, like the hearing aid sleeves with loops address such everyday challenges.
Proper Cleaning is Essential
Using makeshift tools from around the house can be detrimental to the delicate electronics of a hearing aid. Instead, dedicated cleaning kits are available, equipped with specialized tools such as a wax removal brush, pick and battery door opener.
Protect What Remains
It might sound ironic, but even those with hearing aids should protect their residual hearing. Loud environments can further deteriorate hearing. Thus, carrying earplugs and using them in noisy situations is a wise preventative nature.
In the realm of hearing aid accessories, function and fashion merge, providing users with a range of options to optimize their auditory experience while expressing their unique style. It’s a vivid testament to how technology and design evolve to cater to users’ comprehensive needs.
Want to learn more? Set up an appointment with one of our hearing care specialists ! Along with providing advice, we provide hearing evaluations and hearing aid fitting services to help you feel confident in managing your hearing health.
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